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Tips To Help Cure Your Yeast Infection

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Total visits: 179
Posted on: 06/24/22

Yeast infections are a very common issue for women. Many women have a problem discussing this problem with other women and sometimes even their doctor. That is where this article will come in handy. You will learn information that can help you soothe a yeast infection or even keep it from occurring.

Get out of your bathing suit as soon as you can, if you want to avoid yeast infections. Excessive moisture can cause a yeast infection to brew, so make sure you change into something dry as soon as you can. When on trips, make sure to bring two bathing suits so that you never have to wear a wet one for too long.

When you go to the gym, make sure that your attire is not too tight fitting. When you wear clothes that are too tight, your sweat becomes trapped and can yield excess moisture on your skin. Wear loose fitting clothing so that you are as comfortable as possible while reducing the chances of an infection forming.

Did you know that the bacteria in plain yogurt can help fight a yeast infection? It is true, but it has to be unsweetened yogurt. Yeast feeds on sugar and yogurt will not be helpful if it contains sugar. You can even use it as a topical treatment by dipping a tampon in yogurt.


Since yeast thrives in moist environments, it is imperative to stay as dry as possible at all times. If you have been swimming, change into dry clothing as quickly as possible. Furthermore, exercise can cause sweat and moisture to build up, so it is important to shower and change into clean underwear and clothing after a workout.

Wear breathable underwear, such as cotton, to minimize the chance of developing new yeast infections. Synthetic materials hold moisture in and cause a moist, yeast happy environment. Try to find underwear that is one hundred percent cotton. Also, you should change out of them after exercising or sweating. By staying dry, you are more likely to remain healthy and infection-free.

Get out of your sweaty work clothes as soon as you are able. Dampness can worsen or even cause yeast infections. If you are someone who works out, be sure to change out of your exercise clothes as soon as possible. Take a shower and dry off thoroughly before changing into something else.


Eat healthier foods. Studies have found that people who eat healthy are less at risk to develop infections. This is true for yeast infections as well. There are many positive advantages when it comes to eating healthy. Improving your nutrition could make yeast infections a much less common occurrence.

Many people are unaware that a poor diet can lead to increased frequency of yeast infections. Your body needs the proper fuel to keep it healthy, and if you are eating at the drive-thru every night, you are not getting the appropriate nutrition to keep your body healthy and fight off yeast infections.

Keep your immune system strong with plenty of sleep and proper nutrition. A lowered immune system can lead to an increase in all kinds of infections, including yeast growth. If you have diabetes or are undergoing chemotherapy, your immune system is lowered, and you may be more prone to yeast infections.

You should now have a good idea of how to help yourself when it comes to yeast infections. The tips you have just read have been tried and proven helpful to other women in the same situation as you. Give them a try to see if you can find the cure or the preventative steps that work for you.

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