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Drop The Bad Habit And Quit Smoking Today!

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Total visits: 199
Posted on: 07/01/22

There are few smokers who do not realize that they should quit. Have you ever heard a smoker say how healthy they thought their habit was? A nonsmoker wont know what quitting entails. People that used to smoke do know how hard it is though. Read on to find out what has worked for other ex-smokers.

Before you begin the process of quitting your nicotine habit for good, take the time to make a specific plan of action. Merely thinking that you can muster up the willpower when needed is a poor way to approach this very addictive habit. Write down a list of things that you will do instead of reaching for that cigarette. This can include going for a walk, calling a friend, making a fresh fruit smoothie, or any number of diversions.

When you are trying to quit smoking, write a list of all of the reasons why you want to stop. Carry that list with you at all times. One of the best place to carry this list is where you used to carry your cigarettes. Whenever you catch yourself reaching for your pack of smokes, pull out the list, instead, and read why you want to break the habit.

You must know why you want to stop smoking. Having shallow reasons, like it is bad for you are not good enough. To really get yourself motivated, you need a personal and powerful reason to quit. Maybe you are scared of lung cancer. Or maybe you would like to keep your family from second hand smoke. It might be because you want to both feel and look younger. Choose a strong reason that outweighs your urge to light up.

Start an exercise routine, or join a gym, not only for the health benefits, but to keep you busy and away from cigarettes. Furthermore, exercise relieves stress and anxiety. If you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle, start slow, such as taking leisurely walks every couple of days and building up from there. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

In order to succeed with your goal of quitting smoking, its important that you write down the benefits that are derived from quitting smoking. Some examples include living a longer life, feeling great, smelling better, saving money, etc. Lots of benefits are gained from eliminating smoking from your life. Writing them down can help to keep you motivated to succeed.


Believe it or not, exercise can be the key you need to quitting smoking. Usually, many people smoke because they feel overwhelmed or stressed out. When they feel stressed, they turn to cigarettes for support. Cigarettes can be replaced by exercise. Also, exercise is good for a persons overall health.

When you are fighting the urge to smoke, go and do some exercise. Not only will your body benefit while you are keeping fit, the physical activity can help to keep the urges at bay. Anything that can be used as a distraction while you are working through the crave is a great tool to use.

If smoking is your reaction to stress, replace it with a positive one. Consider getting a massage when you are stressed or participating in an exercise class. Even doing something simple like taking a bath or enjoying a light snack is a better reaction to stress than smoking is. Doing these things will help you to quit, while still keeping your stress level in check.

Nonsmokers have a hard time understanding how smokers can continue to smoke, even when they know how unhealthy it is. Nor will nonsmokers get how hard it can be to stop smoking after a lifetime of doing so. This article, however, shared tips and suggestions from ex-smokers. These tips come from people who understand what you are going through because theyve struggled with quitting too. Take what they have learned and implement their techniques in your life to help you quit.

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